Services for Cleaning Pet Stains Professionally in NJ and PA

Pet urine presents the most severe problem to carpets and rugs. Untreated, urine can cause severe color run in the rug, and the odor can be very hard to remove or disguise. Urine can also chemically damage the structure of a rug by making the foundation hard and less supple, and the presence of urine in a rug can help attract moths. Repeated wettings can cause the foundation of the rug to loose mechanical strength to the point where the rug cracks and breaks when rolled or folded.

If a pet regurgitates on a rug, you are faced with removing a complex mixture of foodstuffs, saliva, and stomach acids. Depending on the foods involved, this mixture can actually work as a dilute dye to stain the pile a different hue. If a pet regurgitates or defecates on a rug, clean the area immediately by picking up as much material as possible with paper towels or with a clean, white cloth. If necessary, use a tablespoon to scrape up all the foreign material. Blot the area dry and immediately sponge several times with rug shampoo or with the cleaning solution listed below. Don't scrub hard--too much manipulation of the pile can spread the stain. Sponge in the direction of the nap.

Adding water or any combination of chemicals can set the stain and permanently damage a carpet. 85% of our clients have dogs – A3 has an excellent track record of removing stains and odors. We have the safest methodologies to clean, sanitize and deodorize rugs. Call A3 to schedule an appointment for your best results.